Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Campout

A couple of weekend ago, two friends suggested a short backpacking trip close to home involving one night camping. This occurred about 48 hours after swearing off all Missouri campouts unless it fell somewhere in the October through April portion of the calendar (to avoid heat, humidity, snakes, ticks, overgrown trails, etc).

Of course, in a classic display of groupthink, I immediately accepted.

The hike was nondescript and quick, and we pitched camp by a moonlit lake. Very nice, except it was HOT. When it came time to sleep, no cover was required. One could only lie very still and attempt to generate as little sweat as possible.

Then it happened ...

The still night was stirred by a sudden and strong wind. The temperature dropped appreciably. and the sky became animated with distant flashes of lightning. Soon it rained and continued to do so for the better part of the night.

Lest you think sleeping outside in a storm is problematic, it was truly awesome to see all of this upfront and personal. Burrowing into my sleeping bag and appreciating the protection of my little tent, sleep came quickly and the morning dawned with a bit more energy than in previous days.

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