Thursday, December 10, 2020

It's a girl!

We welcomed our new granddaughter Josephine into the world in August.  

Things moved pretty quickly.  They rushed to the hospital.  With covid calling the shots it took 2 days before Tommy could cuddle with her.

Jena settled into the Mom routine pretty easily.  

Tommy is in heaven!  What more could he ask for?  Hanging out in the park with his daughter.

Baby Jo and her Mama.

Her sweet little hand in mine!  Love her!


Monday, December 7, 2020

Hiking with Olivia

While we waited for the schools to decide what they were going to do during covid we took Olivia to a different park each week.  We hiked, ate lunch and geocached.  Charlie even got in on the action!


Mary's 12th Birthday

Mary celebrated her 12th birthday at the farm this summer.  She was trying out a new hairdo for the occasion.  Delicious cake and lots of presents made for a great day.


Monday, August 10, 2020

First Quarter of 2020 part 1


In March we took a hike to Bluffton Overlook Conservation Area.  Even though it was straight up we enjoyed it.

Mike is not crazy about heights.  So he remained a safe distance from the overlook while we all enjoyed the view.

                                     Edie loves the screened porch at the farm and Charlie!                                          

                      Lots of boardgames happen at the farm.                             

                                                                   This is pretzel Mary.
                               In February we took a trip to Destin.  The beaches were lovely.                         

                                                                                      The ice cream was delicious.

Catherine turned 13 in January!  I can't believe it.  Still remember getting the call that she was born.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Christmas 2020

It's March and I'm just now posting Christmas pictures. Arghh!  We spent Christmas Eve at Callaways.  We had  a newly married couple with us this year!  Congrats Heather & Rami!

Elaine brought her gifts to our house this year.  Fun was had by all!

We waited to do Christmas with our kids and grandkids after Christmas this year.  We wanted Tommy & Jena to join us.  Can you see the anticipation on everyones faces?

Karaoke was a big hit.

Silver Dollar City

My beautiful grandkids!

Steve's retirement job

It's a good thing Steve retired.  Without him working at the farmhouse, we would be in a half finished house!  He built this table.  It's from a tree that Carl grew in their front yard.  It's a nice reminder of him.  (Steve also laid the hardwood floor).

We have a bear all the way from Alaska.  My friend Judy gifted us with it.

Steve laid the flooring on the deck and installed the rails.
He also installed the screens on the porch - to the right- but this picture is an older one and not showing the screens.

He built the dock.

Beautiful frozen waterfall on the property.

He laid the flooring in the mudroom.

I saw this on Pinterest and asked him to make it for me!
So cute!

He laid the tile in the 1/2 bath.

He installed the barnwood on the stair wall.

We got this barnwood from Jena's daddy.  I cleaned it and Steve put it up.

He hung the pantry doors, closet doors, bedroom doors and bathroom doors.
He is quite the handyman!