Thursday, May 31, 2018

Olivia's 7th Birthday

Olivia celebrated her birthday at Rock n Jump.  I was jealous I couldn't jump too!

Los Olivos

While in California we stayed at a Airbnb.  It was quite interesting.  It was 2 buildings connected by a wall with a doorway in it forming a small courtyard. We stayed on one side and Tommy & Jena stayed on the other.

The walls were all barnwood and the floor was plywood.

It was quaint but a little weird.  They all slept good.  I kept hearing noises and thought a rat was underneath the floor!

Grandpa and Michael Jr.

 I love this picture of Michael Jr and Steve.  Michael is all dressed up for his 1st Communion.

Easter... At Last!

It's been pretty hectic around here the last few months.  I was finally able to get the pictures off of my phone - you can tell they are not the best quality.  Easter was a family event.  Mike preached.  Tommy and Michael Jr. were altar boys.  And Catherine was a reader!

Tommy put on a rabbits head (minus the ears!) and chased all the grandkids around.  Then he tried to kiss Jena.

The backyard egg hunt has begun.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Memorial Day Rainbow

Memorial Day weekend on Cades Cove opened with a brief shower on a sunny day.  That's the formula for a morning rainbow. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Productive Month on the Farm

This month, we completed four major projects on the ol' farm:

1.  Landscaped front of garage

2.  Installed steps on end of porch

3.  Spread new rock 

4.  Pond is dug!

Whew!  Time to kick back ...

Charleston, Now and Then

There is a painting of Robert E Lee riding through the streets of Charleston in 1861 ...


... and there is Charleston in 2018, which we recently enjoyed on vacation:

I would say the city has done a remarkable job of preserving its architecture.