Friday, June 4, 2010

Lost and Found

Since the finale of Lost, I've avoided the chatter regarding theories of what it all meant. It's soaked in a bit now, and some ideas of my own have formed.

By design, the series seems to be open to several loose interpretations, so any explanatory theories must be high-level at best. The details often conflict, but the overall direction is strongly thematic.

To me, the island is representative of God. It has unique properties, and by approaching it through faith, many found redemption. In the face of it, evil was exposed (as when the man in black became the smoke monster). There was evidence on the island (Hurley's numbers, for example), that the island was not as remote as it seemed but involved in lives from the beginning.

The island brought happiness and healing to many while others remained - you guessed it - lost. But the series was less about the people, and more about the role of the island in their lives.

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