Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Vote

It's amazing the effect one Senate seat can have on Washington politics.

The 2008 Democratic presidential campaign prominently featured "bipartisonship" as an objective. However, when the Republicans stumbled badly, and the Democrats found themselves in firm control of both legislative branches, the thought of teamwork flew out the window. Closed door sessions became the rule of the day, and the party-in-power happily plotted the implementation of their world view, unimpeded by unpleasant thoughts of consensus.

The people spoke, however. It seems almost 80% were opposed to the idea of a new federal "Department of Medical Care" amid mounting levels of debt, and when their legislators returned home, they got an earful.

The people's revolt was capped by the Massachusuetts Senate results in which a Republican won who had virtually no chance.

So, after months of attempting to force unwanted change on the public behind closed doors, what's the new buzzword from the White House?


What a difference one vote makes!

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