Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th

We had a wonderful 4th of July. The only way it could have been better is if all of our kids/grandkids had been with us. We started the festivities with a fun time in the back yard swinging and blowing bubbles while Grandpa bbq'd.

Then we headed down to the new lake in town to paddleboat.

After a fun time on the water, what else could you ask for except chocolate ice cream with sprinkles on top?

We came home, had baths and then Catherine begged me to stay up late to watch fireworks. She had a very good argument. Her 2 year old cousin got to watch them the night before and since she is 4 that just didn't seem right to her. So Grandpa and I relented and the 4 of us walked up to the park behind the house and watched all the neighbors set off fireworks! There were several really awesome small parachutes/balloons that drifted into the area. We've never seen these before and enjoyed chasing them to see where they would land.

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