Friday, June 17, 2011

Thinking about Smartphones

I'm embarassed to hype a small electronic device in an age which begs for people to get outside, talk to people, and stop looking at screens ... but face it, smartphones are uber-cool.

Think of the Star Trek tricorder without the ability to scan your vital functions. Email. Calendar. Internet. Media. GPS. Texting. Calls. Camera. Video recorder. Apps. All in a small mobile package with no wires!

I recently exchanged my Blackberry for an iPhone with some trepidation as I'm not an Apple fan. For example, iTunes just nags the daylights out of me. But the iPhone is an impressive device. Compared to the Blackberry, it's simpler to use, more reliable, and far more functional.

The new 4G-based phones promise to dethrone the iPhone, but I'll stick with my model for a while.

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