Friday, October 1, 2010

Face It

I suppose there must be 300 million human beings with Facebook accounts, but don't count me among them.

It seems incongruous to me that a public infatuated by the Facebook phenomonem would simultaneously profess a dedication to privacy.

If you like Facebook, you should also be a fan of the old-fashioned party-line in which it was possible to listen to your neighbors' phone conversations. It's like a continuous high-school yearbook signing (and that's not a good thing).

At least it's an alternative to mindless TV, but it's hardly any better.

I suppose these opinions represent minority thinking, but as with the financial cycle, contrarian thoughts sometime have a point.


The Moose said...

I agree. We often see contradictory trends in society, which only means we are free and not subjected to one-size-fits-all approach (believe me, it doesn't work for clothes or politics). How would you reconcile your entry on LinkedIn? More of an informational site for prospective clients or colleagues?

Steve said...

LinkedIn is a passive posting with an objective, not a proxy for dynamic friendships. One can read the Wall Street Journal without liking the National Inquirer.