Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Signs of a Leftist Regime

Leftist coups have, historically, been laughably easy to foist onto a sleeping public. Lenin and a few friends managed the feat rather easily, as did Hitler and his minority. In each case, they simply exerted their will over a party, leveraged a crisis of the working class, and relied on heavy support from academia and the press.

The latter institutions seem to lust for the "fairness" of controlled and planned government, and they have tremendous disdain for capitalistic systems which let successful people reap rewards.

Lest we again be guilty of missing the signs of the presence of a left-leaning agenda, consider:
  • We now have "czars" to control the economy. They oversee 70% of the American economy from a centralized executive branch with no constitutional justification.
  • By the way, we are now told the constitution is a "guideline", not to be followed literally.
  • We know that the administration loves a good crisis, and often seems to manufacture them.
  • The villian is always, without fail, Bush. The propaganda machine is non-stop.
  • The administration is busy courting big labor (auto unions) while closing down car dealerships (auto management).
  • The federal government is taking states to task (Arizona) and bypassing Congress to bring about their own version of immigration reform. This, too, seems to violate the constitutional clause in which states reserve all functions not specifically enumerated for federal control.
  • Leftist economists don't understand the economic principle of elasiticity. They believe taxes can be raised and raised and raised with no ill effect.
  • It seems it's better to pay unemployment indefinitely rather than spur the economy to create jobs naturally. That's a mistake.
  • The false belief that the business cycle can be controlled has returned.
  • Statistics are manufactured.
  • Race politics have returned. This is ironic given that the country just elected a minority president, but it serves a political purpose.
  • The press is acting like sissies again.

By the way, the Republicans have been bitten with the same bug, so these are not partison comments - I just hate to be duped by people with a transparent plan.

We can do better.

1 comment:

The Moose said...

The fix? State secession (peaceful intentions, but defended if needed). I see it coming in the next 20 years. My prediction -- Texas. Immediately followed by OK, NM and AZ. That's when I'm moving out of state. I see no other way to turn back the tide.