Everyone knows I get extremely prickly about all the negative talk about the "rich". I'm not one of them, but simplistic "tax the rich" lectures drive me up the wall.
My reasons:
1 - It's not right to divide us into teams and pit one against another. This is supposed to be a melting pot which accommodates a wide range of people. We actually punish hate crimes. Yet, hate based on wealth is tolerated.
2 - We shouldn't ask others to shoulder a burden you or I are shirking. Over 50% of Americans pay zero tax. Everyone should pay, even if it's a small amount. And we shouldn't be using the tax system to give more credits to people than their actual tax obligation. Sorry, but that's socialism.
3 - It's not logical. If we expect folks with more money to pay for eveything, then we should expect stronger people to do all the work, and smarter people to do all our thinking.
4 - It's an excuse. Legislators can't control spending or behave as statesmen, so instead of making unpopular choices, they chant "tax the rich". They need to stop whining and start working.

6 - They're not doing anything illegal. I've found that the press labels legitimate deductions such as interest payments and charitable contributions as "tax loopholes". They're perfectly legal. If we don't like it, we should push for changes.
7 - It's morally wrong to take from others when many of us give nothing. Everyone should have some skin in America.
8 - I refuse to be part of a political scheme. Putting people on the dole and telling them they can have more by taxing others is simply a way of brokering power and buying long-term votes. Why we tolerate manipulators of this sort is beyond me.
9 - I can add. We can take every penny the rich have and it doesn't resolve our problems.
10 - Who are the rich? There's a difference between income and accumulated wealth. Many retirees can be considered rich because of their nest eggs.
I'm OK with a moderately progressive tax system which involves all Americans, in which people pay a fair amount based on income, in which there are fewer loopholes and less room for public and legislative manipulation, and which is not used by those with a misplaced socialistic bent to redistribute income ... it's called the flat tax. Let's stop sloganeering and get it done.
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