Monday, April 25, 2011

The Quiet Walk

I enjoyed a walk alone in the woods last weekend. Getting in shape for an upcoming hike was one driving factor, but simply getting alone and away from noise was another powerful motivator. The solution: the Lewis and Clark Trail in western St. Charles County (and a few miles from the ol' high school alma mater).

It was a quiet day and the six hilly miles passed quickly. The springtime foliage was still thin enough to avoid great views, and the vistas were filled with dogwood blooms.

This has been a favorite hiking trail, but walking it backwards made it seem completely different. I guess a new perspective on things can make even the familiar seem new,

At many points, the trail skirts high bluffs and the Missouri River (did Lewis and Clark hunt in these woods?) is clearly visible.

I also found geocache #402.

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