For years, our budgetary situation has approached closer and closer to financial disaster. All along, the public has been pacified with "we have a few more years, then it'll be fixed". But it's never been fixed. Neither party wants to be the one to interject a little adult supervision into the situation, so it has continued to deteriorate. Talk about slippery slopes ...

Finally, someone has put a bill on the table. Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin, has introduced a bill which is of the proper magnitude ($6 trillion over ten years) to right the ship. If you think about it, this should be do-able. After all, that's only a 15% cut (which I've made several times to my corporate budget without adverse impact). It's a matter of quit complaining, facing realities, and making the budget work within your limits.
Talk of a government shutdown is overblown, as it would have no real impact to our safety or those receiving checks. This cut is about financial health for all, and should be able to be accomplished without adverse pain to anyone. Medicaid? Why not put it out for competitive bid to Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and CVS? It would be cheaper, better, and faster. We can serve the people without bankrupting them via outdated City Hall tactics.
It'll be a long debate with arguments which will tax the logic, but you have to admit that Mr. Ryan is exhibiting courage by finally putting a viable solution on the table.
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