Monday, December 12, 2016

So far behind

I'm so far behind in blogging!  Here are some pictures from our trip in September to Cape Cod with Mike and his family.  Catherine's Grandpa is still a lot bigger than her so he can pick her up and swing her around still!

Hiking at Fort Hill in Eastham.
Hiding from Mom.

Taking a tumble in the mud.

Heated pools are great!

Sitting in front of the fire after swimming.

A view of our condo.

Walking to Dormans to go boating.

Preparing the boats.

The 2nd boat preparing to shove off.

While they boated Steve and I hiked.

I took the kids to Chatham one day to  look for seals.

In the distance to the far right, you can see lots and lots of seals.

Hiking in Brewster.

Mud flats.

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