After we left Chicago we headed further north to Milwaukee. Steve has been here a few times, but I never have. Somehow I managed to pick a hotel that was in a great location and was very nice. We took off to do a LOT of walking. Our first stop was a cheese shop.

Not only did they sell cheese, they had a wine and cheese bar.

This was pretty cute. Never seen giant ladybugs crawling down a building.

Milwaukee is like Chicago. It's on Lake Michigan and has a river. I also think it has more wind than Chicago. Steve grabbed a hold of me several times to anchor me to the ground!

We took a walk down to the lakefront and saw their art museum. It was beautiful.

Next we went to find a place to eat dinner. Steve's face says it all. Oh, Oh, Oh! German food! He glanced at the menu posted outside and into Maders we went.

A nice mug of tea. And then he actually looked at the menu and the prices posted on it.

And just like the penny pinching Jack Benny (who had a plaque at the restaurant) Steve said, this is a little pricey for my wallet (after all it was just sausage and sauerkraut!) Instead we ordered an appetizer and a salad and hit the road.

After we left that restaurant we went to another one and had dessert - apple strudel. And wouldn't you know it! When we got back to the hotel they had free food! So we helped ourselves. Steve also had a beer. After all we were in the
Beer Capital of the World!

And then we waddled up to our room.
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