The 70s, to borrow from Dickens, was the best of times and the worst of times.

If you doubt the darkness of the 70s, consider this: the Cardinal baseball team was 0 for 10 in the decade, though they were in three World Series in the 60's and would be in three more in the 80'. I think the term "bummer" was coined in the 60's, but it truly fit the 70's.
However ...

More good things happened in the 70s than in any decade of my life. I obtained my drivers' license, graduated from high school, successfully navigated through college, raised my commitment level to God, dated and married a cutie named Kim, started a family, acquired my first business suit, landed a good job, bought my first new car, and generally kept moving forward. Most of my basketball career occurred in this decade. The music was good, and my taste in CDs still runs back to the 70s.
So Dickens was right. You can often experience great times in the face of unfavorable circumstances.
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