Normally, I consider myself a pretty smart fellow, often wondering why those around me don't "get it". But then I do or say something incredibly naive, even stupid. Or I miss something which was crystal clear to 99.9% of the populace.
It makes you wonder how much we really know ...
Each generation likes to think of themselves as far advanced over the previous. But what computers tell us today were calculated by men using calculus in years past. And if you've read old documents, it's amazing how articulate the men and women of previous centuries really were. Our achievement? Texting. Maybe we're devolving rather than evolving, but we just have better toys.

Face it: we're not that smart. An overwhelming mass of knowledge eludes us.
I envision heaven has a library and, for those who care to know, every question is available for ready research and quick comprehension. The mysteries will be answered.
Whether there's a "library" there or not, heaven does exist.
That much I do know.
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