These are pictures of Hwy. 70 between Limon and Denver, Colorado. I'm just driving along, minding my own business and guess what happens? The sky gets dark, the wind becomes SUPER strong, and about 10 cars pass me that are equipped to be storm chasers. About the time I see where they are going (the north side of 70 - they're all heading out to the middle of a huge ranch) it starts hailing. Hard! I'm able to make it under an overpass, along with everyone else to wait it out. This was probably the worst storm I've ever been in. I was sure a tornado was going to pick us all up. The clouds were so low I thought I could touch them and they were full of lighting. Freaky!

From the Denver ABC station:
DENVER -- The Front Range was hit by heavy rain and hail as severe weather moved through the area late Friday afternoon.
A number of funnel clouds were spotted but no damage was reported. The big problem was hail, as areas just north and east of Denver were hit by so much hail it turned the ground white.
Steve suggested on my trip home that I go the southern way. I'm sure he suggested this because we all know that Oklahoma doesn't get any tornadoes!
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