When I tell hilarously funny jokes, she looks at me like I'm a clueless moron. When I state a serious and insightful observation, she laughs. Go figure.
I'm an early-rising morning person, and she's a night owl. I think our mutual peak time must be an hour or two around lunch-time.
I'm a natural saver; she's prefers to plot how we can spend all of our money as quickly as possible.
Kim claims her "superior common sense" trumps my better performance in the schoolroom.
I can visualize things in my mind; she cannot. When comtemplating room rearrangements (constantly), she forces me to heave couches from one end of the room to another, reposition pianos, and even temporarily move wall hangings so she can see what it will look like. You would thanks such efforts would end with "thank you", but they invariably conclude with "no, I don't like that ... put it all back".
We're two first-borns who should be incompatible due to our competing control issues.
But I've been enthralled with Kim since I first laid eyes on her. And, since she's still around not laughing at my jokes 35 years later, one assumes she's OK with me, too.
Take that, eHarmony!
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