I had a lot of things planned to do with the girls this week, but due to them not feeling well, we spent the first 3 days here inside. On Monday we did manage to go out for a pancake lunch. Cranberry pancakes are the best! Catherine has spent a lot of time with her paints. Grandpa tried to convince her that she was wearing a paint smock like Uncle Brian, but she was not to be fooled. She knew it was a bib.
Mary spent some time walking around with her hat and mittens on. She was tired of being inside.
On Tuesday, things improved. I took the girls shopping, then to Old McDonald's, as Catherine calls it and then to the bowling alley. Apparently, Tuesdays are the day that retired men on the Cape have their bowling leagues. The men had a great time watching the girls, talking to them and telling their friends, "Hey, did you see these girls"? Catherine prefers the underhanded between the legs throwing motion.
Mary on the other hand prefers to hold the ball about chest high and throw it like a forward pass. It makes a loud sound as it lands, but has quite a bit of speed. Then she runs back to sit down and watch the balls progress.
Someone else didn't make it out of the parking lot before she started eating hers. See the chocolate on her face?
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