It's interesting to look at today's political parties and compare the current status of each to their own recent zenith. You'll find that one party is approaching intellectual bankruptcy and the other moral bankruptcy.

Take the Republicans ... Their recent height of glory was the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Reagan stepped into a bad world situation, a terrible economy, and a national mood of pessimism. And although
Saturday Night Life poked fun at his age and style, President Reagan was principled, decisive, highly intelligent, and witty enough to share his thoughts in a manner which engendered confidence. No Republican holds a candle to him today. If they have the same clarity of thought which Reagan possessed, they certainly seem incapable of communicating it. They've been unable to mount a coordinated defense to the increasing degrees of socialism in our government even in the face of past failures in societies experimenting in this area. Thus, they receive my sentence of "intellectual bankruptcy".

Now for the Democrats ... Their recent historical high was certainly JFK's ascendancy. Young and energetic, he reclaimed the White House from the Republicans in a burst of optimism. Every Democratic hopeful attempts to channel the "spirit of John Kennedy", drawing liberally upon his legacy. These attempts are ironic as JFK believed in the US as a military world power, he was anti-abortion, and he was for lower taxes. He was everything the modern Democrat is not. Modern Democrats not only hold positions anti-thetical to those of JFK, but they pursue them through deceit and misdirection. Their aim is low, and their means beneath that as they attempt to buy their way to power. Therefore, they receive my sentence of "moral bankruptcy".
America would be better served if each party observed what they can be at their best and strive to attain those heights again.
1 comment:
You're too kind. Both parties are intellectually AND morally bankrupt. Their ineptitude just manifests in different ways.
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