Sunday, June 28, 2015

Trip # 231 to Big Cedar

I really don't think we've been to Big Cedar that often, but we have been a lot!  This is one of our favorite places to go that is within a 4 hr drive. (Exactly 4 hours!)  
The view from our balcony.

Olivia's favorite place was the lake.

I think her Mom and Dad's favorite place was the pool.

Chris might be pondering why he moved back to Missouri with all the humdity.

Olivia patiently waiting for the shuttle to pick her up.

Once she got the hang of Lincoln Logs she loved them.

And who doesn't like smores? 
All in all a really fun time with Chris and his family.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

All Around The Town

Needles Highway is a scenic, twisty, turny road in Custer State Park. Don't go if you get car sick easily.  This is the eye of the needle.

Beautiful views.

We visited a few casinos.

We found this giant corn across the street from the Corn Palace.

Everyone who drives through South Dakota is required to stop at Wall Drugs.  It's a law or something!

The streets of Wall, SD.

We drove through Sturgis on our way to Deadwood.  Unimpressive.

Saw this truck on the street in Custer.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Deadwood is an interesting town.  It looks like an old western town, but almost every hotel (and there are a lot on this street) have casinos inside.

They have a shootout 3 times a day. Steve said, "Go stand by those guys".  Their backs were to me so I thought it would be a stupid picture.  All of the sudden I could feel a presence behind me....

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Corn Palace

A picture from the Corn Palace when it's all put together.

 When we were here they were removing the corn and replacing it.  They do this every year.  They also put new murals up every year.

A close up of a picture.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Iron Mountain Road

Pig Tail Bridges

There are 3 tunnels that were specifically constructed to take advantage of Mt Rushmore views.

Steve pulled the sideview mirrors in to go through this tunnel.  It was pretty tight with the SUV.

Can you see Mt Rushmore in the back?


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Custer State Park

We weren't sure we were going to see any wildlife today.  The weather was dreary.  Rained all day and lots of low hanging clouds. But as we drove the wildlife loop we found enough animals to keep us happy!

Can you see the baby?

These two babies were having a great time chasing each other.