Friday, January 25, 2013

Birthday Girl's Day

Catherine and I spent the day together celebrating her birthday.  She got to pick what she wanted for lunch.  Pizza!  She wanted a "treat of pizza" she told me.  So we went to Pizza Hut.
 Then we headed to the mall for a big shopping trip.  She was really into butterfly shirts with sparkles. I guess it's all the rage with the 6 year old set.
 I tried to talk her into going bowling a different time (Grandma was tired) but she really wanted to do it NOW!
 As you can see from her score, she is a pretty good bowler.
 She was quite pleased with herself.

Good times!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Catherine

Happy 6th Birthday Catherine!
 On Sunday Catherine celebrated with a party. One of the games was dressing the Grandpa's as snowmen. It was quite humorous.

Here we are serenading her.
I can't believe that she is 6.  It seems like we were just on a plane racing from Austria to Cape Cod to see our new granddaughter. She's still pretty awesome!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Steve and I took the grandkids hunting last weekend. We were in search of the elusive eagle.  We put on our boots (to combat the mud) and grabbed our camera's and headed to Alton. It was a beautiful day.  Temps were in the 60's.  We were able to find 4 different eagles.

The grandkids really enjoyed being outside.

Can you see Catherine's head?  She was in charge of forging a path for the rest of  us.
We also saw some Trumpeter Swans.

Afterwards we found a park with a playground.
And the last thing we did was hunt for geocaches.  The kids loved it!  Mary could have done it all day!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Frozen Water

At least the cold weather is good for something!


Monday, January 7, 2013


The modern "liberal" label, when viewed in an historical context, is seriously misapplied within today's political scene.  The true liberals were the revolutionaries who dared to conceive the vision of a new nation based on a clearly articulated vision of liberty.  What we have today are progressives who don't share the vision of the founders, and are diametrically opposed to it.

The founding documents, i.e. the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, plus the other literature of that truly liberal generation, were placed firmly on the foundation of natural rights.  In this view, men derive their rights from God, and by definition, the powers of government must be limited so as to not infringe on this relationship.  God is referenced four times in the Declaration: once overall, and once with respect to each of the three branches of government.  Madison observed that as long as we were not governed by angels, limits would be required and rights would need to be protected from what the Founders called the "tyranny of the majority".

The Progressive movement sprang up in the latter half of the 19th century, and holds that men are able to achieve enlightment on their own, and can eventually achieve a situation in which government can be perfected.  In their view, rights would derive from the state and would be able to change as conditions warrant.  They chafe at the constitutional controls which limit the power of the state.  The most progressive administrations in history have been Teddy Roosevelt's, Woodrow Wilson's, Franklin Roosevelt's, Lyndon Johnson's, Barack Obama's, and to some degree, every president since Eisenhower, excepting Ronald Reagan.

Those interested in political science should recognize the impossibility of reconciling these viewpoints.  One believes human nature will always be corruptible, man depends on God, and government powers should be limited as they tend to become increasingly corrupt.  The other believes human nature is evolving to a higher standard, God is not in the equation, and government powers should include the ability to grant and invoke human rights.  That's why there's no such thing as a true "independent". What we call Independents today are simply people who are malleable due to a lack of understanding.

The two views cannot be mixed, and a choice is inevitable.  A large part of the public is ill-trained to grasp these realities, and tends to gravitate toward the most appealing message packaged and served up by the modern press.  We need to stop complaining about "the politicians" and start looking in the mirror!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Traditions

I'm behind on my holiday pictures. I finally had time to sit down and go through them to see which ones looked half way decent to show to the public!  (You'll be able to tell that some of them aren't very good.)  Steve and I picked the kids up one afternoon before Christmas. Went to eat dinner and then headed to Main Street to experience the Christmas Traditions.  It was a little chilly and a little drizzly, but we persevered. We saw several Santa's, carolers, toy soldiers, the sugar plum fairy and life size nutcrackers.


We had a quick picture at the gazebo before getting a snack.
Once back at our house they checked out all of the collectable cards that they received from the characters on Main Street.   Marys favorite was the fairy.

Then it was time for a heated game of Old Maid.  Catherine  kept sticking me with the Old Maid!  Mary watched for a little bit until she thought she had the hang of the game and then joined in.  Michael spent his time playing with tractors.

We sure do have a good time with these grandkids.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Little Stinkers

Trying to get a picture of the grandkids was pretty hilarious.  Through it all Catherine and Mary smiled!  They knew their job was to hold on to the littler ones and smile, smile, smile!